Serving Nucla, Naturita, Norwood & Surrounding Areas

Cell tower hearing continued to Dec. 19


Approximately 30 people showed up to the Nucla Community Center on Nov. 21 for the Montrose County Planning Commission’s meeting on a proposed cell tower in Redvale. The meeting was actually in Montrose, but the county had a satellite station in Nucla for those in the West End to join. 

Planning and Development Director Tallmadge Richmond told the Forum last week, he couldn’t send a broad Zoom link for “anyone” to join for legal reasons. He said many technical problems have been occurring with Zoom meetings, and having just one moderated session was the way to go to stay safe.

The cell tower issue is a divided one, with some opposing an additional cell tower at the intersection of II Road and Highway 145, and others supporting it. Right now, Atlas Tower has a deal working with a landowner in Redvale. 

Some say it’s true that Redvale area has spotty cell phone reception and the tower is needed. Others say that might be true, but the health risks are too great for surrounding landowners and wildlife. 

Richmond told the Forum that approving the cell tower’s installation is a two-step process. The Planning Commission had their hearing last week, the first of meetings, but it was not complete. 

Evelyn Luna, planning tech for Montrose County, told the Forum on Monday there are delays, and no recommendation can be made at this time. 

“The cell tower was continued to the December Planning Commission meeting,” she said. “That meeting will be held on Dec.19.”

The next few weeks allow for more pieces of the permitting process to be submitted.

“The Planning Commission members are requiring some more information before they can make a suggestions,” Luna said. “One of the items they are requesting more information on is the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) report, updated site plan, and coverage maps.”

There is a Zoom recording of the Nov. 21 meeting: The meeting gives clarity as to items that the Planning Commission requires for their part. 

Once the Planning Commission makes their recommendation, they’ll give that to the Montrose Board of County Commissioners. Ultimately, the commissioners will decide whether the Redvale tower is approved. 

The landowner, Don Hubbs, shared with the Forum last week that the cell tower will improve cell service for the West End of Montrose County. 

“There is a need for the tower, even though we all agree it will change the land’s cosmetic look,” he said. 

He added that “research does not substantiate the claims of (his) neighbors” and that there are other towers in the West End already. 

“Why are there so many towers across the country, if they are so hazardous?” he asked.  “How many have cell phones that will benefit from the service?”

He said Atlas Tower and government agencies are completing the preliminary studies, and those will show there’s no harm before construction starts. 

In the last few weeks, Tina Reed and her family, who are neighbors of the landowner, have expressed opposition. 

“We all appreciate the county commissioners bringing the meetings here, so more could attend,” Reed said Monday.